All About Oil: Cooking, Eating, Baking


cooking oil’s (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We have all heard the health advocates toggle back and forth between which is the healthiest oil, which oil is full of trans fat…blah, blah, blah. However let’s be frank, do you know the difference between canola, vegetable, and coconut oil? How about olive oil and its “fantastic” health benefits? Are all olive oils equal? What about the coconut oil craze? Should I jump in it too? Relax.  Take a deep breath, we’re in this confusing puzzle together. Luckily, I came across an informative article from FitSugar with a solid breakdown of the oils for better or worse.  Perhaps after reading this a few of those missing puzzle pieces will fall into place giving you a clearer picture of which to use next time you’re making a stir fry or chocolate cake.

All About Oil: Choosing the Healthiest Cooking Option –

Which type of oil do you prefer? Anything you’d change after reading this? Let us know!

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